
Day 1: Why I'm Still Single : The Truth

by - October 04, 2015

Greetings and Assalamualaikum to all.

The Single Woman’s 30-Day Blogging Challenge | Day1 | Why I'm Still Single : The Truth. Hi, everyone. How's life, doing good InsyaAllah. Amin. Have a nice day all, and please take care of your health, haze is all around, rite. As for today, and the next 29 day, I'm gonna spill and throw out the true and honest words here. Thanks goes to TheSingleWoman for the creative idea of doing this. Ada jugak satu entry setiap hari, at lease. Hehe.

The Single Woman’s 30-Day Blogging Challenge
1) Your response to everyone’s favorite question: “And why are YOU still single?”

I am now 24 years old. Young enough? Old enough? Nope, because doom, death, marriage and regulation are in the hands of God. Alright, 24. People said, that's Okey, you are still young, yeah but years pass like a blink of eye though. The time runs so fast. Right. I've met with women on 28 years old and above in their age, some are scared enough to be said all alone, single. Some are proud enough to be independently single. I have everything. I have a house under my name, I have my own car, I have a good job, I have enough saving in the bank and literally I don't need man to support me, confidently they said that. Because "I am too fabulous to settle"??.

Why I'm Still Single : The Truth.
As for me, I don’t know exactly why I’m still single. Am I waiting from God to send me a good guy. Waiting and do nothing? kind of urgghh? The negative thought of me sometimes doubt. Why I'm still single? I am ugly, I am not attractive? Astaghfirullahalazim. Tak baik cakap macam tu kan? Allah ciptakan manusia itu sebaik-baik kejadian. Be grateful people. Belum sampai jodoh mungkin. I am 24. And positively I am thinking that I'm still young to step on a relationship. I still have the things that I want to accomplish for myself. Oh, typical answer. Yet, a truth from a 24 years old girl. 

Frankly speaking, I never 'meet' guys. 'Meet' in the bracket of date. Eye to eye. I decline not to do so. Reason? Because I'm not good in making up a relationship with guys, I am really and really not good in this kind of things. Am I that conservative? Obviously, sangat tak pandai nak bersosial. Reality bites, ain't right? And the truth is I am scare of being dumped, being betrayed. I don't hate guys. How can I hate guys when my father brings me to this life. 

But sometimes, the negative mind of me forbid me to love guys (other than family) more that I love myself. I have seen enough of the marriage-divorce scene in my life. I'm not being bias between guys and girls here. Yeah, I know, tak semua lelaki jahat kan. I am just being on guard. Maybe, this is not the right time and the right person yet. Right? Tunggu lah sampai kau dah gila bayang-jatuh cinta nanti, mungkin the marriage-divorce scene tu pun akan vanished dengan sendirinya. Maybe.

Why I'm still single? The truth is I am not well prepare enough and I am not ready yet. Honestly, I am not ready to share everything with someone else. And I think I'm not good enough to be a good wife, a good mother. I am miles away to go there.  I want a good partner in my life. So that, I want to prepare myself to be like one. Caring women, loving women, kind-hearted women. I want to be that woman, but I’m not that woman yet. I’m on a journey to become her. Corrupt women are for corrupt men, and corrupt men for corrupt women. Good women are for good men, and good men for good women. They are innocent of the calumnies people utter. There shall be forgiveness for them and a generous provision. (An-Nur verse 26)

Whatever it is, everything happen for a reason. Muslim, percaya kepada Qada dan Qadar Allah itu rukun Iman. Beriman kepada qada dan qadar adalah menyakini dengan sepenuh hati adanya ketentuan Allah SWT yang berlaku bagi semua mahluk hidup. For a single woman, fear NOT, we are together. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Just follow the flow. NO. Be the flow. We lead our way. 

This is just another me writing a random thought. Do leave your story, opinion and thought on the comment box. Pleasure to share with all.
With Love,

Would you like to join the challenge? Here's the link, 30-day-blogging-challenge

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17 Comment

  1. Replies
    1. thanks for the visit, and for the 'agree' itu juga, hehehe..

  2. ehehe just enjoy being single.. free dari commitment dgn orang..

    ps : lamanya org tu x jenguk itew.. sob sob.. tak sudi dah ke..

    1. yep, sangat. masih selesa being single.. wink wink.. but one time, when people around you sangat-tersangat lah bercakap2, bertanya macam peluru, bila nak kawen, bila nak kawen, that thing sangatlah terasa kemenyampahannya itu.. ape ke sibuk benar dengan hidup haku.. erk, hehe.. kalau sudi kata sudi.. tidak aku ternanti-nanti..

  3. Interesting challenge. Cannot wait to read the rest of the challenge.

    p.s: Might start joining this blog challenge too because I'm single to. hahhahaha

    1. kann, mohon join the croud.. single-mingle is awesome.. hehe.. thanks for the visit farah.. :D

  4. one fine day.. bila masanya tiba, kita akan bertemunya..

    setiap satu tu, ada percaturan yang telah dibuat untuknya.. namun, haruslah ada ikhtiar nya...

    1. sooo right sayang... kena ada iktiar.. <3 thank you for the visit dear.

  5. shad..saya tag awak dalam GA mama darwiish kay..

    Jemput Join okay FUYOOO !!! GIVEAWAY by Mama Darwiish..

  6. Jujur..jeles tgk org dah bkeluarga..dah tunang...dah berpunya..jujur mmg jeles...tapi...sejarah cinta yg tak berkesampaian buat hati jadi malas...fed-up..xde mood dah nk kenal sapa2...cam tutup pintu hati la...kadang2 nk je knal2 org baru...tapi bila tringat kisah lama, trus putus asa..so skrg, fokus pada famili, kerja..dgn komitmen kereta dan rumah...cam hal2 kawin atau berpasangan jadi tak penting..bila dah fokus pada benda lain, skrg cuma boleh berdoa dan tnggu bila saatnya jodoh tiba..sbb mgkn skrg sy masih belum bersedia..sebab jodoh akan tiba bila kita betul2 dah brsedia kan....☺☺☺

    1. same goes here, agak terasa jugak jeles itu bila tengok kawan2 dah bekeluarga semua.. bila dah jadi macam ni, orang lain mudah je cakap 'move on', 'move on', tapi deritanya kita yang laluinya. tapi tak apa, itu sebagai pengalaman hidup, tanda Allah kasihkan kita, Allah bagi ujian ni. Sis niya, insyaAllah Allah akan hantar yang lebih baik.. amin.. mr right tengah guna gps tu nak cari sis niya.. semoga dipermudahkan segalanya.. amin. Terima kasih sudi sharing2 di sini, hehe.. :D

    2. Amin...mgkn gps die rosak tu, hntar baiki dlu...hihihi u r wlcome dear ☺☺☺

    3. Amin...mgkn gps die rosak tu, hntar baiki dlu...hihihi u r wlcome dear ☺☺☺

  7. InsyaAllah ada jodoh shad tu lmbt dan cepat jah... Sory lama tak singgah sini hihihu... Tablet rosak ruang nk bw berkurang guna hp nk taip entri lg nk bw xdang la akak main singgah bw blog ni

    1. hehe, bila tak sampai jodoh lagi ni tandanya Allah nak bagi rezeki kat kita, boleh jaga mak dengan ayah dulu.. :D terima kasih kak.. :D shad pun bulan lepas dgn bulan ni baru aktif balik, lepas dua bulan mood melayang.. hehe.

  8. Don't worry! Being single isn't all that bad! Gives you time to work on self and explore new things. It's a time to heal and to grow.


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